Are you moving into a new house? You may be excited to move forward and get into your new home as soon as possible, but there’s so much to do before you can settle into your new space. Moving is one of the hardest things to do and can add even more stress to your already busy life. If you get organized and prepare for your move in advance, you won't feel overwhelmed by the daunting task.
Decide what you will keep, toss, recycle, or sell. Go room by room and post any items for sale right away.
Take inventory of what you need to pack for your next phase in life.
Create a safe zone in your home. Choose a room where you'll put those items you must keep track of and will want to access immediately if and when you need them. For example, set aside your insurance documents, valuable items, and work projects that you may need at a moment's notice.
Buy or collect enough packing supplies. I find that a family will pack a range of 25 to 50 boxes plus furniture for a one- to two-bedroom home. You’ll need packing tape, markers, labels, wrapping paper, and bubble wrap for fragile pieces.
Start packing two months in advance. If you pack several boxes per day you will be ready to move and also feel confident that you are moving only those things you want.
Set aside a spot in your home where you can place all the packed boxes. Select a space that does not cause a hazard or distract from your focus.
Set up your change of address with the post office. Whether you bank electronically or in person, check in with your financial accounts to change your address. You may want to find a new local bank. Send a mass email or a card to your family and friends with your new address.
Schedule a transfer date for your cable and utilities.
Call movers three to four weeks in advance. Get a quote and set up a moving date. While you are packing, indicate which boxes are fragile and label them clearly for movers to know how to handle them.
Have a plan for the day of the move. Schedule your pets to be with the groomer on the day of the move. You don't want them to escape when the door is constantly left open. Since you can't be in two places at the same time, ask a friend to help supervise the move while you travel to the new home to receive the movers. You can hire someone to sweep up and tidy up the old place. Once the movers finish unloading, be ready with the payment and prepare a cash tip for your movers.
Blog post by Elizabeth Lulu Miranda. Lulu has been working as a home and office organizer in Chicago for over 15 years. She brings new perspectives on how to have an organized life. Writing for the Mercury Organizing blog “Creating the Flow".
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